







Titelbild der Zeitschrift OSC, Ausgabe 4/2019

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In November 2019, the article »Kollegiale Beratung – einfach aus der Ferne, komplex aus der Nähe« (engl., »Peer group supervision – simple from afar, complex from close up«) by Dr. Kim-Oliver Tietze was published in the special focus issue »Intervision/ kollegiale Beratung« (4/2019) of the journal Organisationsberatung – Supervision – Coaching.

Abstract: From a distance, peer group supervision appears to be an appealing approach that is easy to grasp. Autonomous peer group supervision is defined by four core characteristics: (1) the focus on individual professional and personal cases, (2) the social constellation of the (peer) group, (3) a process suitable for case consultation and (4) the reversibility of all role relationships. They will be examined in more detail, some variables will be pointed out and boundaries will be discussed. In addition, the importance of collegiality for the counselling format is highlighted. The discussions conclude that the processes and possible effects of peer group supervision depend on complex psychological and social processes.

Kim-Oliver Tietze is also co-editor of the special focus issue »Intervision/ kollegiale Beratung«. The editorial by Dr. Kim-Oliver Tietze and Prof. Dr. Heidi Möller is freely available for reading and downloading on the Springer-Verlag website.

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2019). Kollegiale Beratung – einfach aus der Ferne, komplex aus der Nähe. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 26(4), 439–454. doi:10.1007/s11613-019-00622-x

Tietze, Kim-Oliver & Möller, Heidi (2019). Intervision und kollegiale Beratung. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 26(4), 435–438. doi:10.1007/s11613-019-00620-z

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