







A good read on peer group supervision

Explore the comprehensive and insightful literature on peer group supervision. Here, you can find a collection of our publications on this practical and versatile approach.

Our publications can help you to gain a better understanding and to internalise the applied methodology to make sure that you get the best possible experience with peer group supervision that absolutely thrives on practical application.

Our publications provide practitioners with comprehensive guidelines and illuminate the question: »How can we effectively practice peer group supervision?« Although various published concepts do share fundamental aspects, they sometimes differ in relevant details that can significantly impact the experiences with peer group supervision.

The scientific and conceptual papers systematically provide background information, details and research findings. Those works help to deepen the understanding of peer group supervision and promote its further development.

Our recent publications

Tietze, Kim-Oliver & Schindler, Andreas (2022). Wie viel Intervision steckt in DBT Consultation Teams? PTT – Persönlichkeits­störungen: Theorie und Therapie, 26(2), 188–207. doi:10.21706/ptt-26-2-188

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2021). Kollegiale Beratung für Studienberatende. In T. Grüneberg, I. Blaich, J. Egerer, B. Knickrehm, M. Liebchen, L. Lutz, U. Nachtigaller & R. Thiel (Hrsg.), Handbuch Studienberatung. Berufliche Orientierung und Beratung für akademische Bildungswege, Band 2 (S. 960–964). Bielefeld: wbv/utb. doi:10.13140/RG.2.2.36154.11203

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2021). Kollegiale Beratung für und von Schulberaterinnen. In W. H. Honal, D. Graf & E. Knoll (Hrsg.), Handbuch der Schulberatung (Grundwerk inklusive 76. Ausgabe, 2/2021, Kap. 5.6.25, S. 1–27). München: mgo-Fachverlage.

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2019). Kollegiale Beratung – einfach aus der Ferne, komplex aus der Nähe. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 26(4), 439–454. doi:10.1007/s11613-019-00622-x

Tietze, Kim-Oliver & Möller, Heidi (2019). Intervision und kollegiale Beratung. Organisationsberatung, Supervision, Coaching, 26(4), 435–438. doi:10.1007/s11613-019-00620-z

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2019). Geleitwort. In A. Kocks & T. Segmüller (Hrsg.), Kollegiale Beratung im Pflegeteam (S. V–VII). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-57789-9

Tietze, Kim-Oliver (2016). Kollegiale Beratung. In M. Dick, W. Marotzki & H. Mieg (Hrsg.), Handbuch Professionsentwicklung (S. 309–320). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt/UTB.

English-language literature on peer group supervision

Recommended English-language guides on peer group supervision

De Haan, E. (2005). Learning with colleagues – an action guide to Peer Consultation. Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan.

Kassan, L. D. (2010). Peer supervision groups: How they work and why you need one. Lanham, MD: Jason Aronson.

Shields, J. D., Gavrin, J. M., Hart-Smith, V., Kombrink, L., Kovach, J. S., Sheehan, M. L., et al. (1985). Peer consultation in a group context – A guide for professional nurses. New York: Springer.

Trotti, E., Odobez, C., Rinaldi, S. Bennardo, S., & Tinelli, G. (Eds.). (2019). Intervision Handbook – The GIPsy Model: The art of the comparison between peers in psychotherapy and in the helping professions. Milano: Mimesis.

Turner, T., Lucas, M., & Whitaker, C. (2018). Peer supervision in coaching and mentoring: A versatile guide for reflective practice. New York: Routledge.

Recommended introductory articles and overview chapters

Shah, S., & Rodolfa, E. (2016). Peer supervision and support. In J. C. Norcross, G. R. VandenBos, D. K. Freedheim, & L. F. Campbell (Eds.), APA handbook of clinical psychology: Education and profession (pp. 197–207). American Psychological Association.

Chapter 9 »Group supervision and live supervision« in Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (2019). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (6th ed., pp. 190–219). Boston: Pearson.

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